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  • Tags: Textiles

Gown, Commencement

Commencement Gown.jpg
Black commencement gown, approximately 4 ft. long (just above ankle length). Tapered arms. 2 fasteners (metal) at top. Arms ruffled at shoulder. "V" cut neck, no collar. Full length slip, blouse (both white). Slip bordered with lace, front…

Quilt, Crazy

Velvet/Silk Crazy Quilt. Patchwork consists of (9) 42-43 cm. squares plus (3) 20x43 cm. rectangles with 17 cm. solid border and 8 cm. ribbon ruffle. Patchwork fabrics velvets, brocades and satins of dark reds, blues, earth-tones and golds…

Blanket, Band Award

Maroon wool (?) blanket. Rectangular with rounded corners. Edge of blanket is enclosed with an ivory band of cloth, front and back. "A" insignia is centered on blanket with a monogram located 29 cm underneath. Insignia is ivory outlined in maroon…

Uniform, Band

University of Arkansas marching uniform & concert uniform.

A: Single-breasted navy blue knit jacket. Plain, curved lapels. Below each lapel is buttonhole, the one on right is fake. Button sewn on right "buttonhole", behind a cord with a button…


Hand-crocheted bedspread for twin bed. Companion piece with 2016-0005-0008.


Hand-crocheted bedspread for twin bed. Companion piece with 2016-0005-0007.