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Award, Band

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During the decade of the 1970-80s certain bandsmen were recognized who have displayed "unique" behavior during the year. I proudly earned 2 Coors Awards during 2 of the 4 years I was in band. Each year only 24 were given out.


“LWVUS Nickel Silver” cuff metal bracelet with “ERA” in center. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

Coin, Roman

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L. Livineius Regulus.

On obverse, head of Lucius Regulus (praetor), r., with REGVLVS to l. and P.R. to r. On reverse, curule chair between six fasces with L. LININEIVS above and REGVLVS in ex.

Coin, Roman

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Anonymous, c. 100-108 B.C.E.

Head of Roma, r., on obverse with x to l.

Roma seated r. on shields, leaning on spear with she-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus and bird flying on either side on reverse.


Coin from Sicily, Ferdinand II on obverse, diegi tornesi with crown on reverse. 1857, groove along edge, heavy weight, copper.


White pager made by Motorola. Licensed collegiate logo on top. Razor pagers with running Razorback on bottom. White handle.


Timex watch with red face with running razorback in the center and with HOG (in white) above and BALL (in white) below. Brown genuine leather wristband with gold buckle.

Hat, Shako

Hat worn by Richard Alan Young, a cymbal player for the University of Arkansas Band during the 1960s.

Rounded, high-crowned box hat worn by drum major. Exterior completely covered with yellowish-white fuzzy material that gives the appearance…